The end of June 2013 marked the completion of phase 1 of the Kessock Bridge upgrade.
So the beginning of July seemed a good time to cycle over the route.

Approaching the bridge from the South, the first surprise was finding that the cycle path was still marked as closed.
So I did a quick check of the indicated diversion.
I'd reported on this previously: Shore Street to Kessock Bridge
I could see some changes but I was disappointed to find very little improvement.
Some misleading signs had been removed - but so had some of the useful ones.

The end of the closed-off path had a bewildering collection of signs.
Some signs had been spray painted to obscure the original information.
This looked more like vandalism than an official correction.
I gave directions to two puzzled cyclists. They were local.
What chance do tourists have?

One rather unnecessary pair of signs partially blocked the path.
Hopefully this diversion will soon be unnecessary.
But currently the signage is unprofessional and untidy.
And worst of all - it doesn't help.

I continued and crossed the Bridge from the the South end.
The upgraded path on the South West side was closed off.
I'd expected it to be open. Indeed, I saw a cyclist using it.
I took the cycle path on the North East side of the Bridge.
The surface was extremely cluttered with small stones and general debris.
Your comments are welcome.
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